

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm a rebel

Fuuhhh I hate Monday/Wednesday morning get ups. But they quite nice when ma makes me a lunch. Mmm! What a great mother.

It was a studio work day, and so I worked on the stuff and got the first chapter's worth of work turned in. I was tired but trucked along. Forgot headphones. Class was dead silent.

Ate my sandwich between classes, right in front of the computer. Well not right in front. I was leaning back and was no way close to getting a cucumber on the keyboard. I so don't care about "no food in classrooms" rules. Whatever, just don't eat OVER the keyboard.

I was falling asleep nearly in Flash. Got a bunch more meandering stories, but we finally got a little bit more into the program. Enough to know how to make a ball move across the screen. But she isn't doing THAT good of an explanation. Hence the drifting off and trying really hard to keep focused. I really miss Rose Bond as a teacher. After Effects looks, and probably is, about 20 times more complex than Flash, but somehow they were able to effectively tutor us in that from no textbook. Bah.

I really need to haul my stuff out of the mini barn. I think I'll work on that Friday. Saturday night I'll be in Seattle. Want to get more of my books sorted. Work on the things that have a place to go. Plus I want some of my warmer/nicer clothes on hand. I'm trying to be fabulous here.

FINALLY watched Nicolas Winding Refn's film Bronson. Yup, such a solid director. Love him. Tom Hardy is a great actor too, nearly unrecognizable.

Ma watched a romantic comedy that didn't seem to be that remarkable.

So, tomorrow. School. Then gotta draw some more watercolors.

Todays Portrait Is: the scary weird floating head of Michael Shannon.

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