

Sunday, July 10, 2011


My sleep schedule is getting dangerously close to the territory of "being out of whack". If I keep trying to get up before noon, I should be good.

Had a simple breakfast while mom and dad went to rent a Uhaul. Nathan is hauling his stuff down to San Jose in a couple days. Then I can move my stuff back into the house. Hurray, living with my parents is neat! Really need to get my act together...soon.

I spent a little bit of time in the sun.

I unpacked my sewing supplies and quilting supplies and fabric and quilting books. Poured through them looking for a good pattern for my next quilt project. Found a good pattern. Later on, ma and I went into down and I bought a pile of fabric. It should look AWESOME, this quilt. I say I bought, I mean mom bought. Tomorrow I will go in with more coupons though, as I don't have quite enough to get started. I just need one more fabric, but that one is the one that I need the most of.

After that we wandered around Barnes and Noble. I was unable to find the book I wanted, so Mum and I went to Origami Sushi. There we bought a bunch of sushi for dinner and went home. We gobbled down the delicious variety and we three watched us some Doctor Who. Ma and Pa went to bed and I watched some stuff.

Nathan spent all day driving up from San Jose. He arrived at about 10:20 and we chilled and played Wii and watched stuff and he showed me what he is working on and had me play a scary game. I hope I don't have nightmares now.

Todays Portrait Is: Gillian Jacobs.

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