

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

aches and pains

All that wood hauling has made me quite sore. Oof my back. And my legs. Today's chores were cancelled on account of a wasps nest near the garage (which was right near where I set my chip bag yesterday, eek). So I read and tooled around the Internet. And quilted! Didn't get much further, but I'll do some quilting tomorrow as well. And portraits. That is what Thursday will be about. Portraits and quilting, as we might be up at Pulali again this weekend.

Dinner was a lovely stir fry made by papa. Then mum and I settled in to watch So You Think You Can Dance. During the commercials we watched bits of the behind the scenes stuff for the upcoming The Hobbit film. The Dwarves look great.

It was another not rainy but not warm day. At least the next two Wild Cards books came in the mail. I'm up to my knees in reading books! Hurray!

Todays Portrait Is: Adam Scott.

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