

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

mii and you

Ohhh ahh larger bits have flaked from my tattoo. The fine line work is stubborn but slowly and surely, it is being revealed. Huzzah!

Set my alarm for nine but still slept in. Came downstairs to an empty house so I had some tea and oatmeal and did the internet rounds. Sat in front of the fire and kept warm and watched Life on Mars.

Celia came over for a brief visit. That was nice.

Played Wii a bit. Made a little Wii character for The Doctor, Amy, Rory, and River Song. Ha, nerd. For dinner, Dad made a pasta salmon thingy. It was a bit dry but still good. The family sat down and watched the third episode of Sherlock on Netflix Instant Watch. Such a lovely little show, though some of the renditions of the characters are a bit weird (namely Mycroft and Moriarty).

They went to bed, I made Wii characters for Sherlock and Watson (mom helped me with my Doctor Mii a bit) and Mel and Kristen and Tabitha and Karen and Rollyn. I've always liked character creation type stuff.

Now I'm watching Supernatural (a show you only have to pay attention to a fourth of the time, which makes it great for background noise) and working on portraits. Need to get a lot done over the next couple days!

Todays Portrait Is: Moby.

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