Woke up at weird irregular hours. Finally got up. Watched me some AWESOME Doctor Who. It is blowing the last season out of the water.
Worked on doing a new thesis paper outline. Better structure. Got some more research at school. Sunday will be all paper. Editing, writing, research, writing, all that stuff.
It was a nice sunny day.
At 7ish I headed to Bye&Bye on 10th and Alberta to meet Finn (aka the buddy formerly known as Jay) for drinks and food and hugs. Haven't seem him in mooonths. Missed my dear friend so much. Hugged and hugged and hugged. I almost felt awkward wearing my leather jacket at Bye&Bye, when I saw that it had one of those vegetarian menus. I feel awkward in a lot of Portland places because I'm not grubby/organic enough. Oh well. I ordered a veggie dog with chili and chips and a cocktail that came in a mason jar. We sat on the porch area and gabbed and caught up. Damn I've missed Finn. Like, really missed. Friends like that only come around now and again. We walked around a bit, rode our bikes, grabbed some fast food (well Finn did, I was still very full). And then parted ways. Now I'm going to go to bed and get up and be VERY SERIOUS about everything tomorrow and get stuff done so I don't fail my paper and end up at PNCA for another semester. That would be humiliating and awful.
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