Slept in a bit: 10:30am. Weird how my sleep schedule has changed so much since the Rock n Roll Girls Camp Exercisearama.
Today it was sunny and lovely. There is this Fiero outside that hasn't moved in weeks, so I drew some eyes on pieces of paper and put them under its windshield, because it looked silly. They were gone by the end of the day. That person is just letting their crappy car disintegrate unused. If you are not going to drive it, sell it!
Anyway, I made three trips to William Temple House. Comics, clothes, shoes. The last two trips I had Kristen for company. And then after the third I went to Trader Joe's for what might be my final shopping trip. Salad, meat, rice, seaweed, chips, dip. Returned home and went to Beth's potluck.
It was also a sort of going away shindig for Nell and Nick. They are leaving for Saint Louis. Chips and dip were had. As well as bratwursts and cake. Robin brought steak tartar. Fancy. The celebration ended at 5, as there was a meet and greet at school for the thesis show. I opted out of it.
Relaxed at home. At 8ish, Karen picked me up and we went back to their place and I set her on her way to watching Doctor Who. HUZZAH! We watched four episodes of the 9th Doctor; the first two and the Empty Child/Doctor Dances two parter. I think she gets the appeal now. Back at home I watched Glee. Tomorrow I am having lunch with Robin and mini golf with Karen and probably Tabitha. Packing has stalled but I'll pick up on it again.
Also turns out the meet and greet kinda sucked.
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