

Monday, April 25, 2011


It's only 7:30, but I am tiiiiired so I'm blogging now so that whenever my body collapses in on itself, I don't have to worry.

Focus week begins. Now all my lovely friends over the years defend their thesis. Our time at PNCA comes to an end.

I got out of bed at the horrid hour of 7:50am. UHG. Showered, got dressed, made myself pretty, grabbed the bread and hummus and set off to school. First up was Dominic's Defense. His work looked lovely all hung up, and he seemed relatively calm considering that I ran into him last night and he was mighty stressed. Anyway, he got up there and went through his speech. And he did super well! Every time he paused he took the chance to drink water. It gave a nice pace to his defense of his neurotic paintings. It was a room with friends and everyone was enthusiastic. He did very well. The crew waited with him after he defended, and naturally he passed.

Between his and Leo's, I went to Safeway and bought a Red Bull because with about two hours of sleep under my belt, I knew I couldn't survive the day with no assistance.

Drank that and went to Leo's defense of his wordless series of illustrations depicting a revolt in a society dominated by technology dependance. It was a nice little series, and he had pretty much eliminated all uses of the word "like". Good on him! He had a good little defense as well. Chatted with him after till he went in for questions, so then I went to get some food!

Lasagna! Sat with Acey and Arvie and David Ritchie joined us. Apparently Ritchie has met Douglas Adams. After that I went to BT's lecture thingy on setting up a screen printing set up at home. Dad, do you wanna make an at home printing set up with me? It will be fuuuun.

After that, I went to Matthew Miller's thesis proposal. He is proposing to do a series of photos based on gun culture and representing gun owners in their home. He laid it out there that his thesis isn't about if we should have guns, but why. Still his audience asked a lot of heavily biased questions. Probably a good thesis if it will spark such reactions. He is a quality photographer and will pull it off. It will just take a good sense of his argument.

Afterwards I went to August's proposal. He is doing several broadside comics in different formats. His room was packed and he was a bit awkward but he got through it with gusto.

And AFTER that I went to Danny's room to see his set up. His wife Mara brought their just turned one year old daughter Lillian along. OHHH what a cute baby! Just wandering about with big blue eyes and drooling and so happy. I picked her up and gave her tons of kisses on her little baby cheeks. Cutest critter EVER. But I didn't stay for Danny's defense, I went to Beth's. Which ended up being packed. She got through her information in a great manner. Argued it well. Her series of animal pictures based on the group nouns we assign them turned out so beautiful.

AND THEN I went to see We Buy Diamonds. I got my free shirt that they owed me for the printing and then went around school to generate interest. And interest was generated! The doors opened at 5:50 and in five minutes it filled up. And people kept coming. Unfortunately people decided to sit on the floor instead of standing and dancing. So the people coming in didn't really have space, even though if people scooted there would have been space, and standing would provide even more space. But Karen, Mel, and I stood in the back and hollared and hooted and cheered them on like crazy. We shouted the hooks to the songs and shouted responses when they asked questions. We three brought the WBD fandom!

And the show was PHENOMENAL. They performed with vigor and enthusiasm, and nailed the songs. The lights, the set up, the costumes, the everything was spot on. They did so well. They did it! They did it all!

And after that I went home. Kristen and Mark came by and I joined them, and Kristen's parents and brother Anthony for dinner at Sansai. Mmm sushi. Now I'm back and exhausted. So I think I shall wash my face and crash. Tomorrow is two pre-lunch proposals and then lunch and then I set up my thesis and then practice practice practice. I don't know if I'll go to any more things after lunch. I'll just see how I feel. Less that 48 hours till I defend!

Todays Portrait Is: Mark Strong.

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