I've yet to get ahead on portraits. Once I break free of some sort of assignment or requirement, I sort of go into a slack mode. This productivity stasis. Where I know there is a lot of stuff due soon, but it isn't due soon enough so I don't quite jump on it.
Anyway, spring break is over. Four weeks left.
In class we mainly talked about editing and different ways to cite this and that. I talked to Joan and she advised me on my paper. I need a lot more research but the writing is good. Need to read up on portraiture and the history of portraiture.
After class I went home. Went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on the basic carbs and apples and onions and meat. Had pasta for dinner. Mmm.
But yeah, like I said, project stasis. ALL THOUGH, I did work a bunch on my website. Got into the CSS programming and made the website block wider, so now my art has more content space. That is good. So I guess I was productive with practical stuff. I would say I'd almost call my website done. I just need to put more art work on it, and make some custom graphics. My website is trilliantrillian.com, in case you had forgotten.
Tomorrow is yoga day. I think I'll spend the time before it reading. I have a lot of reading that needs getting done. I showed Joan the Marc Quinn portrait that he does that is a mold of his head that is filled with his own blood, frozen, and the mold peeled away. The work has to be kept refrigerated. It is a really disturbing piece. Anyway, I need to make a longer list of portraits and portrait artists to research. The main body of my paper will be portraiture. Joan mentioned that the gift part of my project is what really sets it apart, so I will be keeping those other chapters.
There is an hour and a half block of time in the silk screen studio during which I may squeeze in some printing. Just one layer. And afterwards do the yoga thing.
I should get up early. All though I should stop saying that.
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