

Friday, February 25, 2011

giving people back themselves

Martin meetings are either awesome or stressful and make me want to cry from stress. Not that he is mean, he is just very good at being honest and pointing out weak spots.

But first blah blah I got up blah ate scramble blah it's cold blah rode my bike. Okay.

So yeah, in the meeting the art got a basic thumbs up, though the anonymous group side of the poster might still needs some extra treatment that does...something. I dunno. And some of the color blocking on the other side needs more thought. Still, having printed the images out at 11x17, I must say that they look really good at that size. I can't wait to actually start printing my thesis. I need to do a ton more drawing. But the main thing is how do I talk about my piece beyond acknowledging that we are all individuals in a collective and that I'm drawing my friends and giving them art. THE BIGGER GODDAMN PICTURE. What I got now is that I'm giving people back themselves. I could give anything, but I'm giving portraiture. That means...something. It was very stressful and now I'm a bit scared of the midterm meeting. If I don't think harder and keep honest and true about it then I'll be wrecked by the panel. Baaha. No fun. Not looking forward to it. Just need to work work work and get my paper printed. My paper still isn't here for some reason. They said a week. Grrr. It'll show. And once I get it I'll print print print. I can always add words to the design of the poster later. Another layer ain't no thang (it just means I can't give them away just yet). Martin suggested maybe some proverbs or something that deal with the themes of the pieces. I don't know how I feel about that idea though.

The sub came for yoga and it was great restorative class. Much needed. Undoes all the stress of the mentor meeting. And I feel all floppy afterwards. It is very cold today, but there is no snow. Yet. Right now I'm writing at 6pm, and in a few hours I'm going to the east side for Thom's going away party. He is going to Korea. We'll miss the awesome dude.


Just got back from the partay. My ears are so cold. They are the old bit that gets exposed to the cold air, that and my face. It feels all funky and chilled. The apartment is warm, which is nice.

Anyway. The house where Thom is at was on 33rd and Knott, or just about. But on the east side of the river. Which means going from 22nd, down to the river, and then 33 more blocks. Plus a bridge. At 8pm. In freezing temps. I had my long johns on, and my long sleeves, and my sweater, and my gloves. It was my damn ears though. Brrr. Still, it was a clear night and there wasn't much traffic. So that was good. I was the first of the PNCA clan of friends to show up. A lot of people I didn't know, but they were cool and I made conversation. Ate pizza. Drank a responsible amount of booze. Thom leaves on SUNDAY!!! I'll miss him, even though he comes and goes from Portland so often. We'll cross paths again. Hes like the nicest guy ever. Anyway. Samala came. I chatted with this guy Sam, who is Chloe's brother. At least I think her name was Chloe. Josh, Janessa, Jon and Dom also came. And Jalissa and Morgan B. and Kevin C. They came and went. Soon it was just the PNCA clan. We played King's Cup and Jon improved a song and we sang to Thom. It was a really nice night. I kept mostly sober because I knew I'd be biking. Drinking and biking, its a bad idea. Especially when you know you'll be coming across street car tracks on your commute. I took lots of pictures. Love my friends. Totally rad people. Some good times have been had in Portland.

Portland has some great great people in it, and that is what I'll remember about it. The people. Not the trendy coffee shops or the hip this or the hip that. It's the people. It will always be the people. Some of the greatest, nicest, honest, awesome, devoted, ambitious people in the world are here. And I love them passionately.

Ride back seemed shorter and less...taxing. And less windy.

Todays Portrait Is: Jade Sheldon.

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