

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

livin' upside down

I thought it would be a good idea to turn my alarm clock off at 10am. Big mistake. Anyway. Had my breakfast of scrambled eggs and tea and an apple.

I need to figure out how to cook more things. I'm constantly wondering what to make when I'm hungry. I went to Trader Joe's and got some salad dressing. So now I'm back on the salad wagon, after a week of being off it. Dressing and toppings make such a big difference.

I foresee a lot of early mornings. There are no printing classes before 11am, so I bet I'll be in in the morning printing before classes, more than saving it for the weekend. This is good because if I can get most of my printing done early in the day, I have the rest of the time to draw and work on other stuff. As many no late nights as possible.

I wrote myself a note "its not worth it. spend your time on good pursuits" to rest on my desk. To remind myself to waste less time on the internet and on silly things. I'm already doing better with it looming right there. Once I have the structure of school, I think I'll keep on track a lot better. The pressure isn't on me, but I do feel the heat.

Had just enough quarters to wash my sheets and pillow covers and unmentionables. Yay clean stuff! I actually had one less quarter than I thought, because one of them turned out to be a Franc. I don't know how it got there at all. When was anyone I know recently in France? Maybe it was accidentally categorized with quarters ages ago and dispensed when I traded bucks for quarters. Hmm.

Tabitha promoted Portraitoday on Facebook and now I have people I don't know interested in my work! Yay! So one upcoming portrait might actually go somewhere. Anyway. Yay! I've been doing Portraitoday for a couple weeks and it has six followers. I've been doing Trillobite for three and a half years and it only has 12. Hurrah, popularity.

Watching Zen. Waiting for Lights Out. Going to do some portraiture and think about thesis and stuff.

Oh my teeshirts came! I never got an email saying they were shipped, so it was a nice surprise. I'm such a teeshirt hoarder. I should submit some designs to Threadless. Potential for cash there, if they get printed.

This is great:

Todays Portrait Is: Cherish Prado.

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