So we three got primped and waited forever for a streetcar and then when we did get downtown, we ended up one stop after where we should have gotten off. Still, we arrived on time and Mel was there looking fabulous. We reserved a big table and with just four people there, it looked very unused. Robin came, Phil came, Jim came, Dan and Tabitha and Kara came. I think that was about it.... Huber's has very fancy drinks and so people were not enthusiastic in their ordering. I ordered one and a well drink later to pass the time till happy hour. Because that is when 3$ burgers happen! So good. Calamari and all sorts of good things. People plopped cash down and magnificently the remainder was just what I owed. Nice! I stopped spending money for the rest of the night, but we ended up going to a ton of places and I mooched some drinks.
CC Slaughters included dancing. Brian, Tabitha's friend, showed up. I danced and chatted. We moved onto The Tube. Which is a cramped little tube of a club. Way too stuffed full of hipsters. No room to really dance beyond simple moves. I got a lot of fresh air instead. Then we went to Boiler Room or Billiards room...Bsomething Room. That was a lot of fun. Outdoors, heaters, good tunes. Danced till 2:15am. Then we walked home, the ones of us that were still there. Got home at 3am. Drank water. Went to sleep. I was happy to be sober through most of the night. Someone needs to have wits about them.
Kristen made us cinnamon rolls! I had some tea and did the dishes. Mel and Mark came over. Gabbed and chatted. Kristen and Mark left. We four walked downtown. We three walked back up. I packed up my computer back and hauled some art supplies down to the studio. Worked on my animation for a few hours. Half way through the sketching phase. Well I have some stuff to add to it still, but it is going well.
It's nice to be using my studio in a nice and proper fashion. I need some stuff on the walls though. Even with paint it feels barren.
Went back home. Had some lasagna. Got a jacket. Went to see Ten Tiny Dances! Such beautiful work. Sink, A Version, Dayna Hanson, and Clearly Another World were my favorites. The 10 dances are all choreographed around a 4x4x1 stage. Mike Daisey was even there. It was a cute performance. Dayna Hanson's was hilarious and Clearly Another World had me almost crying.
The place for the show was across the river. I went down Stark to Morrison Bridge on the way there, and it was nice. And I went up Grand and across Burnside Bridge on the way back. Also very nice. About 30 minutes both way, but it went really fast. Things don't feel long on a bike.
Tomorrow is time for more work. But it is fun work.
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