

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

gotta get it done, have no choice otherwise

Blogging now so I don't have to write it when I'm more dead tired in two hours.

Figure: check. The majority of the class was spent doing five minute proportion drawings. We looked at Euan Uglow and Stanley Spencer art books for the last half hour of class. That was good.

Emulsified screens.
Bought paper.

Talked to JP and turns out he had paper to print on right there, so I didn't have to run and get some. Nice! Printed out illustration pieces. They look pretty good side by side. Happy I got to check all that off my list early.

Went to student council for lunch.

Got back and pretty much printed for the next three hours, and I got three colors done! It is turning out pretty good. I'm going to do another three layers over the weekend. It needs greater depth of color. I got a pink layer, a red, and a brown. The next will all be progressively darker browns. I'm excited to work on it more, and that is a good feeling to have when it comes to art. Generally I have that feeling with screenprinting pretty much all the time. The lab was very crowded, but what are you gonna do when they put 9 people in a class that only has 12 tables to work on (and you need more than one table to work on most of the time). Time passed fast.

Spent about thirty more minutes in the library looking up artists. Finally got a great book: Land and Environmental Art. Perfect resource to browse through and find artists. Ian Hamilton Finlay and Christo's Umbrellas are being added to my paper on gardens. I was silly to think this would be easier because of growing up around the damn things but nope, it sure isn't.

Got home. Drank some caffeine. Read some articles. Now I'm just writing.

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