Boy howdy am I tired. I was doing really fine but then it all caught up with me in the past hour.
The Figure! We Received a more in depth lecture about simple proportions and laying out the figure. Again, I was taught it but I wasn't following it very well. And class will be different. Tuesdays are tough and full of information, Thursdays will be fun and wet media. Anna was our model. She has a new tattoo and piercing. The tattoo is of the rocket Saturn V. Pretty cool. Class went fast.
Silk screen! We talked about our semester plans for an hour and a half. Mine are mostly mass production things. Little bits I can sell. Emphasis on many, not few. If that makes sense. I want to do a lot of projects, instead of a few larger ones.
I went to student council for lunch. I was there to represent and talk about yoga. The date and times of it are still up in the air, but I can't wait! Gotta get fit again. No more softy Trillian!
Photocopied and cut out my sketchbook drawings. Making a little zine so I had to get the images ready to be oiled up. A class came into the photocopy room so I couldn't finish. Thankfully the next two hours of class was lecture and demonstration. Lecture about a brief history of screenprinting. There was an image of these old stencils that used silk thread as structure. Previously the Japanese had used human hair. The demonstration was on this technique for printing multiple layer wash drawings and how to play with the exposure to get different levels of detail. I would love to do a print of that nature, just need a good subject matter (when in doubt, draw a cat).
In the meanwhile, I got my stencils ready and my screen prepped. Only needed one for my zine project as both of the stencils fit just fine. All this silkscreening stuff, it comes pretty natural to me now. I have my system down. When I started school, I caught a glimpse of the print lab and it just looked like a mass of confusing equipment and chemicals. Now it all makes sense. Funny where education will take a person.
Anyway, printed one side of my zine. Took a break. Walked with Karen to help her pick a studio. It was raining furiously. Walked back. Printed the other side. I used blue for one side and orangey red for the other. It looks decent. Not the best printing or the most professional. But pretty good for a little zine. I'll be mailing these out to some people in the coming week. Got them folded, they need to be stapled and cut. Whoo!
Chatted with Karen at Laughing Planet. I ate an apple. Go me and restraint!
It was raining all the way home. A car honked at me. I was pretty far over towards the shoulder and many other cars had gone past me. What a jerk. I wish that there had been a red light up ahead so that I could have broken his side mirror off with my bike lock and peddled away at high speed. Seriously, honking at bikers isn't going to make them bike faster. It will just distract them and probably make matters worse for you.
Ate rice and lettuce and salami for dinner. Yum! Read my readings. Well parts of it. I am starting to majorly doze off now. Good night sleep, here I come!
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