

Monday, August 3, 2009

mmm cake

Most of my morning was occupied with packing. Taking the stuff in my suitcase and putting it in a smaller bag. For the week I shall be over at Pulali Point, my grandparents place. Mom and pop are doing some repairs. I will be swimming and reading and relaxing and taking hikes. All that.

Pulali Point is on the Puget Sound. It has a little beach. The grounds contain four structures; the grandparents house, a two story garage, Celia's log cabin, and Kirie's house. They are spread out through the woods and all have a beautiful view of the water.

The water was perfectly beautiful when we arrived. Just calm and fairly clear. Hugged Celia and gave her a Milagro.

I really took some of these views for granted. Being in Portland for so long and returning. So beautiful. So quiet. Just the water and the rustle of trees and the occasional animal.

Celia, Mom and I took a dip in the water. Not very cold. Perfect for swimming. The shadow of the land stretched pretty far over the water but not far enough for us Pedersen swimmers. We heard people from the mainland. People that were soon revealed as Kirie, Mark, Jeanette, and Liam. Dinner was ready to be underway! We didn't even have to lift a finger.

Ma and I showered and when we came back most of the burgers were done, the chicken was ready, corn was available. A big fresh delicious omnivore feast! I was full on bread and corn before I got a chance at a burger. Oh well. It was good. After it all, we kicked back with some tea. Tasty tea. The mosquito coils were rearranged. Photos were taken.

After dinner, it was time for walkies. The girls and Liam got their hiking shoes on and the boys took naps. It was a long trail through the woods. One I don't think I have walked for a while. Mom and Celia left a little early because Oggie was having trouble walking (Oggie is a doggie). I continued on. We talked about Loch Ness (Liam is a believer) and school (Jeanette thinks I'm popular).

It was about 9pm when we got back. It was that time where it is dark but you can still see and everything is blue and gray. Quite nice. Hauled my computer over to Celia's because she has wifi. She served me cake and ice cream. Good aunts never change.

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