

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

missus clean

Today was gray with a little bit of rain.

Saw Tom again. He brought over a dog by the name of Izzy. He and Katie are taking a one night camping trip. That should be nice.

I lounged. Didn't feel like walking in the gloom.

Talked to BT. Talked to Terry. Had a good phone call with Jay.

And I cleaned. I scrubbed the floors of the bathroom and kitchen with a bleach compound and scrubbed the sinks and bathtub with Ajax. I cleaned the stove as well. Well, I cleaned the removable metal things that go under the ranges. Those were very grimy. I love the smell of disinfectants. It smells so satisfying. It was too late to vacuum when I finished, but there are some boxes that need to be moved before I do so.

Did not get around to my bike tire. I feel that that will be something I will get right on once I have a day of foot commute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you wore rubber gloves. I am sending you your flip-flops and an old bread cookbook from Grandma Eleanor. Love ya, mummy