

Monday, June 1, 2009

I'd like some freckles please


We slept way way in. I think we decided to go get some breakfast at around 1pm. Heh. A little overcast but still warm. Burger Place was our breakfast/lunch destination. Llyw and I ordered it to go and went to a little picnic area in a nearby park and watched bicyclists go by.

It was a very low key day. There was hammock sitting and chilled mixed drinks to be enjoyed. I had an upset tummy at various points during the day. When the sun went down we folded laundry and watched Derren Brown. Nice little day. Nothing consequential.


The loud loud birds woke me up early and kept me up. All too soon Llyw got up for work and I followed suit. I was out the door about fifteen minutes after he left for work and the 66 came 15 minutes late. The Bainbridge Island Ferry was just at the terminal when I arrived so I went with that (even though mom would be late picking me up because the ride to the ferry is longer than the ferry ride itself). I worked on reading The Road once again. It got too tense and scary and I had to put it away for a while till a good time came to pick it up again. And this time was now

The ride and the wait for mom went by real fast with the company of the book. So good. It was a beautiful ride home. Lovely day. Dad is still in Europe till Friday. Booo!! We went home and I saw Holly and Basil. Basil is so fat. Really really big. I'm not sure if she has gained weight or just being away has made me forget how morbidly obese she really is.

Did my laundry. Hung it up on the clothes line. Ma and I sat on the lawn chairs and read from or respective books. Caught up about stuff. We went into Silverdale and got some Origami Sushi. Mmm Origami Sushi. Good stuff. Their caterpillar roll is done up with a little face. It's cute. Deposited a check. Went to World Market and got some digestive bickies. Went to Barnes and Noble and picked up Palahniuk's Pygmy. Summer reading, here I come!

The plants are thriving and overtaking the house. Jade is everywhere. Mom is indicating all the various things she wants me to have if I get the house. I took a lengthy nap later on. Feel like I got some good sun. Mmm.

It's so quiet in Seabeck.

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