

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

hyperactive long busywhooo

Comic meeting: didn't happen. Daniel had a dentist appointment and the schedule was a week off anyway. Oh well. Lacey and I chatted for a bit. I browsed through a picture book while waiting for printmaking.

Critique: It went well! Negative comments on colors and the amount of hair rendered. Positive on carving and concept. Patsy had a beautiful bird and a lady block with lovely beautiful colors. Diana had some retro cactii. Devin had a nauseous OJ and Bre had a horror film Audrey Hepburn. Patrick had fireworks. Phil had a multi dimensional and hazy chessboard. Brandon had a sloth. Aubin made an insane Renaissance dolphin. It lasted a while but it was fine.

Comic Club: Ate lots and lots of pizza. Didn't do that many jams. Talked about Watchmen.

Rest of printmaking: We were introduced to silk screens! I found Jim's old one and I am navigating buying it from him alongside the other one I bought fresh for class. I'll be rocking it! Yoshi pointed out all the things and rules and equipment. We got out early but I stuck around. Yoshi helped me decloud Jim's screen.

The break: Scanned in the jams. Scanned in my comic. Scanned in the entirety of my life drawing sketchbook. Resized them all. Posted some.

Yoga: My knees were hurting really bad. I have no strength. It was a real challenge today. I wanted to quit and stop and go home but I stuck it through. There were some new people there today. Hopefully it is because of my posters. It hurt so bad.

Home: Gabe saved me a piece of chicken. I stuffed it between two pieces of bread with pesto mayo and chomped it down. Popped some advil. Now I'm just riding a relaxing wave and watching Breaking Bad.

Hyper: I had some Billy Tea for breakfast and lunch and some killer sweeties so for like 12-4 I was HYPER AS ANYTHING!! I was bouncing and skipping and all that. WHEEEE!!!

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