

Thursday, March 26, 2009

chocolate badness

Just when I got better I get worse. Gabe made some hot chocolate that was just too thick and had a tad too much sugar in it. Made me so nauseous.

One good work day is followed by a nonwork day. I wrote down lots of things to try and generate ideas but nothing came to mind. Just did little drawings of Luna and Gabe and Katie.

Had a weird dream about a zombie invasion. I entered a building and this wolf attacked the desk clerk. I went into the elevator and Batman came out eating coleslaw. I wanted to go to the top floor, and the elevator only had one button. For that floor. I woke up in a scared panic and sat in bed quite numb. I went back to bed and fell into another vacant dreamscape. This person I was travelling with had Lee Pace in a box and was deceiving me.

I've been reading Another Roadside Attraction. It's an awesome old school paperback. $3.50 at Powell's. Right on.

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