

Friday, February 6, 2009


Math! Venn diagrams! I totally get them. Yeah. The teacher is really good at explaining stuff in artists terms. We also did tree examples for finding probabilities. Not quite as fun but I got it. I told my two math jokes when there was a lull in his lecture. The class was silent and then there was laughter at just how bad they were. The teacher was rather stunned.

After class I ate the remnants of a burrito and sat with Karen.

Illustration Drawing Club had its first meeting! It is something that J is starting. We are going out into the urban landscape and drawing from life. We decided on meeting schedules and where we could potentially go. Daniel, J, Karen, Diana, August, and Amanda showed up and one of the lowest level Illustration students, Ebony, joined it. It was real awesome. We ate pizza. I didn't eat that much because the burrito left me very full.

There was more chilling in the library. I did the first page and a third of my math homework. It is a three page printout. It wasn't fun to work on it for two hours straight on Monday night so I'm getting a jump on it.

Digital Tools was filled with a discussion of our ideas for digital assignments. Then we practiced colouring in old lineart. Our assignment is to do whatever we want! I think I will do some Illustrations of Jez and Mark from Peep Show.

We got out early and with some pouting, I convinced Karen to join me in a journey to Floating World Comics. We overshot it a little but we arrived before the main rush. I GOT SCOTT PILGRIM VOLUME 5!! It was the release party of sorts. The guy who does it is in New York but this was the Oni comics (the people who publish it) party. I got a great deal on a teeshirt and I got the comic and my other comics. Whoo!! I love my shop. So many great things there. Karen even found a comic that she enjoyed.

We rode the Max home and a nice man helped me hoist my bike up into a secure position. They have bike hooks but I am really weak so it is hard for me to do.

I curled up with a blanket and read Scott Pilgrim in one sitting. OH MY GOD! AMAZING! INTENSE! WHY DO I HAVE TO WAIT A YEAR FOR ANOTHER VOLUME??? I love this series. It is so silly but the characters are good and the art is consistent.

Robin came over to discuss apartment agreements but Katie had gone to let in her friend Tom. Instead we ended up going through photo albums and year books and looked at young photos of us and giggling. It was a nice little time. Tom and Katie went out to Karaoke and Robin left and I went up to Karen's to trade Scott Pilgrim (and loan Adam the volumes) for the comic she got. We ate cupcakes and talked and had a good time.

Tomorrow a few of us are planning to see Coraline. Whoo! I think I'll reread that tomorrow afternoon.

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