

Monday, February 9, 2009

anna's back. tell a friend.

I got another care package from home! Another insanely securely wrapped box that is really well padded so my stuff always arrives in perfect shape. I got some Sweethearts, this marshmallow heart, and a really cool egg beater! Thanks mom and dad.

Today was just that Illustration studio. My piece was one of a few that had solid blacks and it stood out in that respect. Still, it could have been better with more detail. Joe advised scanning and bringing images into photoshop for about half of the works. This crew has some insane people in terms of ability to render detail. Kevin and Janessa's stood out to me. Really well composed. Good for them! They rock.

Lunch was Quiznos and hanging with Tom in the library. I would have brought my bagel but sadly it was moldy and I didn't have time to prepare anything else.

The rest of class was spent with the figure. Anna was our model. Wonderful Anna. Courtney and I drew like we were taught by Morgan and Joe asked us why we didn't do contours. We both explained that it had been beaten out of us and most of the focus was on proportion. My drawings were a mix of rough areas that highlighted the forms and values. There were minimal contours. Overall, I was really happy with my progress that day. The poses never exceeded 15 minutes which was painfully short. It was a good day.

Robin came over at around 6 and we finished our math homework. I shared some of my sweets and she shared some of her tea. I had penne with sauce for dinner. No Gabe.

Good enough start to the week.

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