

Saturday, January 31, 2009

grubby little hands

Had a lovely breakfast of tea and pop tart and salad. Played Professor Layton while watching Alien. Good movie. Awesome on the projector. I love how my schedule doesn't start at 8am any day so when the weekend comes around I am not wiped out.

At around 4:30 I left to get the paper to print. I didn't dress that warm but the ride was quick. I ran into Junko at Utrect. I bought four sheets of overpriced paper. 16 bucks just for one crummy little edition. Outrageous! At least I don't have to pay for the ink and tools. The class was still hogging the space in the print studio so I chilled in the library for a while.

I grabbed a spot at the glass table in the Center Studio. Rainbow was there. I inquired a few riddles. Robin and Karen started doing some screen printing as well. I rolled up the ink, I prepared my station, and little by little I got advice on what I was doing wrong. Robin advised me about the ink spreading. Rainbow about the roller. Karen, well I forget what Karen advised maybe she didn't say anything. Both Rainbow and Robin encouraged me to use more pressure. Oh wait, Karen did as well. Robin also went, "ahh!!" and surprised me as I was laying the paper onto my block to print it. It was a frustrating time. Some of the prints came out really well actually. The block looks nice. It was a lot better once I switched to the press. The blacks were much more black. I like my print but I felt self conscious doing it around all the other more experienced printers.

My hands have the crud of ink on them. Whoo!

I swung by Trader Joe's to stock up on breadstuffs, pasta stuffs, and chili stuffs. Cheap food that could spread out a lot easier. I got some raisin cinnamon bread especially for the use of toasting.

Katie was making something for Dinner but I didn't have a share of it. I just had beef chili with bread. Then 9pm rolled around and it was time for Munchkin!

Poppy, Robin's sister, was over so we were teaching her how to play. The table was crowded with tea cups. We played Munchkin Impossible and only to 6 levels so Poppy could get a quick understanding. Adam won because he was fighting something that gave him 2 levels and we didn't notice. During the second game Karen and Diana left to do rounds. A couple of us snuck some extra levels because they were gone so long and we figured they wouldn't notice. Karen only caught on to Phil's mysterious nine levels. Adam was sitting back in his chair and I touched his arm and he fell over. It was funny. Adam has a bruise from being kicked in the head at his Ninja Fight Club that he goes to. I brought over my lollipop vase and shared the wealth. Karen won the second game by a lovely majority.

Phil was going to come over to watch Pan's Labyrinth after but hes allergic to cats and Katie was sleeping so we decided to call it a night.

The new hair looks great. The layers really bring out the curly nature of my hair. It is a wonderful update.

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