

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

stars and shells

Nathan and I played Mario Kart with sleds and snowballs. We went down the hill in sleds at the same time and raced each other and ran into one another and all that. Often we rolled over when we tried to hurl snowballs at each other. Lots of fun. Lots of falling into the ditch. We rolled up some massive snowballs. Nathan got trapped under one and I rushed to take pictures of it. He got out. We made a snow Nessie. My head was not to scale to Nathan's body and tail. We are scheduled to get more snow tomorrow. I think Rubie is going to try and escape from us.

We watched Big Trouble tonight. I made popcorn, another speciality of mine. It took slower on this stove due to the inconsistent heat.

Nate, Dad, Rubie, and Mom played Skip-Bo. I watched. Dad won.

I got my Brain Age down to 24. It is very fun. I wish there were more games to play, just have to unlock more I guess. I'm slowly getting better at it all. I brought Moms Brain Age up by accident. Mmm.

Right now, Nathan, Rubie and I are watching The Fall. We have it synced up on both our laptops. Great great movie.

The word is out and seems like people are being able to escape Portland. I still need to call work and sort it out.

I think we did more today but I can't remember.

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