

Monday, October 27, 2008

the Utopia of the United Federation of Planets

Got my first shift assignment today: Wednesday morning at 7am. I work till 10am which gives me the opportunity to buy a sweater! I will also be able to go to both the club meeting and yoga. I just have to manage to roll out of bed at 5am for it. Looks like I'll be in bed by 9 tomorrow.

I'm writing up my scripts for the Red Shirt midterm. Type type type. I'm about half way through. I'm to the part that is more analysis and less information; the real meat of the essay. I have good feelings about it. The art should come easy to me because as we all know, I can rapid draw comics like a mean green mother from outer space. I'm getting a slightly late start on this project but Wednesday is going to provide me with a lot of work time and once I have the scripts I just need to put art on the paper. Comics are what I do, ya.

How come all the characters in Heroes are out of character? And since when was Sylar so gullible? Or is he? Peter is annoying and he says everything in the same irksome voice. A lot is being set up in this season, we shall see how it turns out. Pushing Daisies is much more enjoyable.

I really want to just snuggle down with Time Traveler's Wife. Thanksgiving break isn't that far away now... Registration for Spring starts in a couple weeks. illustration studio I: part two, the graphic novel intensive, history of printmaking, and an internship are what I'm looking at right now. Math and another Painting class are required as well but those can always wait. I have plenty of time left here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are planning your time well for work and school. Keep up the good work. Math - if you put off the harder class, it might be good to take a remedial class as a refresher. Math is a skill, language, that you have to practice to understand and apply. That understanding is a valuable personal skill.