

Friday, September 12, 2008

I believe it

It is highly believable how I tired I am. The fire alarm went off at 4am and didn't stop until 4:30am. 4am is the worst time for an evacuation. Even the night owls are in bed and you go back to bed with only a couple hours left to enjoy sleep. I was still awake when it went off. I don't know what kept me up but the alarm just aggravated it. I was the first one outside. It was mostly art students in the courtyard. Didn't seem to be an accurate representation of the amount of people living there. Anywhoo, it sucked and I am right now running on an what is probably less than two total hours of sleep.

We had a different model in figure drawing today. She had great tattoos. We practiced drawing the frame work of the model and the measurements of limbs. Morgan had story time where he showed us a book on reclining nudes. Karen, Diana and I sank into the student lounge couch during break. I did my best sloth impersonation for the girls. Class was fun, I am really liking that class. I learn a little more each class and apply it towards the next drawing I do. Really spectacular.

Lindsay and I walked together after class. I had to get some art supplies for my studio class tomorrow. Utrecht didn't have bond paper but they had a good price on sable hair brushes. I staggered back to school and picked up the bond paper at Art Media.

I joined Jen in the library and laid out my stuff to start drawing my painting project. I had a hard time focused and wandered around talking to people. I thoroughly enjoyed a beef dip sandwich and tea for lunch. Thank you Quizno's, you are a Godsend to a tired and starving Trillian. I was so tired that I knew I couldn't do two TBA shows tonight. I did find someone who really wanted to see the show I was unable to attend so I have a little joy knowing that my ticket was used by someone who really wanted it. My drawing went through many renditions but I am happy with what I started painting. Lee remarked that it was amazing that no one had thought of that concept before. They probably have but shhhhh lets pretend I'm original here.

Painting class was a joy. Everyone is in such good spirits there. I love the level of camaraderie. I felt a little bad about how much we raved about James Jean, who is a friend of Farel. Jean is awesome, Jean is great, is there a possibility of him coming here? And so on. Wonder what it's like to be around people who rave about your friend as this phenomenal artist. But it is also an undisputed fact that Jean is spectacular and I don't anyone can be bitter towards him. He apparently has a phenomenal work ethic. Anyhoo, I think Farel is a great artist and he should get the school to pimp him out a little. The hardcover of Omega the Unknown just came out. I said I would swing by Floating World and get it...when it came out in paper back. It's a wonderful edition...oh oh for Christmas! Someone get me it for Christmas! I got some good base washes and colors down in my painting today. Really good progress. And the homework sounds fun. I love both the Tuesday assignments. I can't wait to get started.

I rushed home and rushed to the theatre to grab a seat for today's TBA: Mike Daisey: If You See Something Say Something. It was a brilliant monologue about the creation of the nuclear bomb, the patriot act, visiting Trinity, the terror alert colors, Homeland Security and so many many things. It ran for over two hours and in my state it was difficult to retain many things. He was funny but not as hilarious to be as the rest of the audience seemed to think. I found some of his delivery a bit obvious but who am I to judge jokes? He will be doing the show in New York soon so Kirie, check it out ya? It was a good day to see such a show. I was on the top balcony overlooking him from a corner. It wasn't really that important to have a good view. Actually the farther the better because I could see him sweating from my seat, I can't imagine what he looked like from the front row. He had what he was to say down wonderfully.

Maybe tomorrow I can relate more details. Right now I need to finish writing about Frankenstein and crawl into my dear sweet bed.

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