

Friday, September 19, 2008

first failure

I am really tired and a knot of tension has formed in my back during this past week. The exhaustion and pain combined have put me in a spot where I don't really care that I was unable to write up a ready response for Frankenstein. My first missed assignment in a year. The responses happen every week and the total is only a part of my grade so I'm not too worried about it having a really bad effect. And you all know how good I am about keeping up. This occasion, argh.

Figure drawing was figure drawing. Those of us that neglected to draw the model stand were forced to only draw it for a pose while those that did, got to draw whatever they liked. I escorted Lindsay to work. Jen and I chilled in the library while we worked on homework. I am copying some Kay Neilsen illustrations for class. Took me about three hours to do one and about three hours and fifteen minutes to realize I did it wrong.

We had Quizno's for lunch. I had the guacamole turkey and bacon sub. We also stopped in at Office Max and we both got some plastic sleeves to organize our inspirations. During lunch Robin and Kristen joined us at our library table.

Painting class was a very nice critique, in that it wasn't brutal or lengthy. My tie could have used more definition in the fold and the text was too small for the size of the image. Some of the other pieces were still in some transition between the computer and reality. I didn't want to mess with that. The rest of class was spent working on our homework. Our homework is to paint a shot of a movie in black and white and another shot in black and white with a spot color. I'm doing a still from Gattaca (chosen mostly for Jude Law) and a still from Paris Je'Taime. I'm liking it thus far.

Once home I watched Project Runway and ate supper. Karen stopped by and I showed her this catalogue thing I'm amassing. She stopped by to give me back my copy of Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim. She also bought be Naked but plans to read it before giving it to me. What a sweety!

Then it was straight to work. The thumbnails and redoing of the the Kay Neilsen drawings took far longer than I expected. I think I did a good job on the illustration homework and that is a more pressing assignment to complete than the reading responses. Also I feel that my reading responses aren't that good so probably no big intellectual fallout if I am unable to turn one in.

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