

Sunday, August 10, 2008

where shall I hang my Baticelli?

I got a lovely invite to breakfast from Karen. But really it was Adam's breakfast. Anyway, it was delicious. Cut up apple and sausage and potato. MMmm. We rehashed the craziness of last night.

The workout was minimal, but we still sweated.

I went to Trader Joe's to get provisions. Just Emergen-C, sweets, bread, juice, and a splurge. When the guy rang me up he asked if I found everything alright. I said, "Well I found everything alright and then I found the cheesecake and then things were GREAT!" I got a nice smile out of him for that. He told me to enjoy my cheesecake, which I did.

As I was leaving the Goose for my TJ run, I ran into Lindsay, Keesee and Gavin. When I got back I found the Baticelli in my room. I gave Lindsay a huge huge hug for that. I love that painting of hers. It is brilliant. With the four of us helping, we moved her boxes from her place, to the elevator, out of the lift, and to Gavin's van. I gave her a big hug.

Before the dust had settled, I started to move into her room. I scrubbed the walls and Karen lent me a vacuum. I am redoing how I sort things so maybe for the next year I will have a cleaner lifestyle. HA HA, good one Trillian.

I have a night stand now. Floor space to roll about on. Shelves in a better pattern. Karen helped me decide where to place some things. I still need to bring in all my clothes and most of my knick-knacks. I should be done tomorrow. They will be cleaning on Monday. It was supposed to be Lindsay's room, but mine is the worse off (filth wise, lots of dust and sunflower seeds).

I'll have a week by myself. Well, I'll have Holly and Ibanez, but mostly Ibanez because Holly will be going to Karen soon. Lindsay won't have her apartment till September so I am watching the big kitty till then.

After Karen helped me with some heavy lifting, we enjoyed some of the cheesecake. It was a great splurge.

Holly Update:

I had to put Holly in the bathroom for a while because she was being really mean towards Ibanez. It was overly aggressive playing and he wasn't in the mood for it. They are both behaving better now. The plan is set to give her to Karen tomorrow night.

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