

Friday, August 22, 2008

not really in a bind

I've been bad and have been neglecting turning in some of the financial paperwork. Tomorrow I will go in and turn it in. Get out of the place and do something, ya?

I bound a book today. It was from a kit that I bought at Paper Source. It had pre-cut boards and an already bound thing of paper. I should have thought better about it because without the cords, I had no idea how to stick the cover boards onto it. I tried some book binding tape and glued the cover paper onto it. It looks good on the outside but the inside shows really poor craftsmanship. It still should work, it just isn't that great. I cut and folded a bunch of thick, pink paper for another book. This one is following the method that I learned from the course I took last year. I need the mull to make the spine sturdy, it is all sewn together right now. It looks fairly good but it isn't done yet. Maybe it will be a gift, I have plenty of sketchbooks.

Lindsay came over for Project Runway. It was a very good episode. The challenge was to design and outfit for a drag queen. The guy who lost, he was voted off because he refused to make a gaudy outfit. Uhh, it was for a drag queen dude? Yeah. Chris March was a guest on the episode and that really made our day. Lindsay is working on painting a giant head for a light show. She had to make it scary so I gave her my opinion. It looks really freaky now. So cool. She picked up her stuff (and Ibanez's). She will be back next week for another fun episode of good watching.

Cecine and I watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. I made a large bowl of popcorn, my specialty. I love that movie. Even though it is my second time watching it, the mystery still took some thinking (and I seemed to have forgotten some part of it? uh). Cece digged it; a good sign that we have similar taste. I also watched Fast Food Nation by myself and I was sorely disappointed with it. Three separate plots (or so) with no ending to any of them. Lots of cameos stringing together a loose moral plot that never really hits home in any sort of way. It almost got there, but not really.

I really need those plank book shelves. I'm sick of the stuff cluttering the side of my room and my overflowing bookshelf. With more space, I can organize things in a proper way.

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