

Monday, August 4, 2008


Could not sleep. Not one wink. I gave up around seven and finished up Deadwood and started in on Dogville. Just felt chilled and horrible. Kept myself fed.

I did get a slight rest at noon when Ibanez joined me for a two hour nap. Argh.

Traded out the DVDs at school. Matt was there and revealed himself to be the person who requested the Deadwood DVDs in the first place. Well now he can watch them. I was a little delirious. I grabbed the third season and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Returned some books and renewed the others.

When I was leaving the Goose, an old couple said, "You know how hot it is?" to me. I didn't really, as I was wearing pants. I think it was 80's but ehh. I didn't get too sweaty. I was just in a haze going and coming.

Dogville is an interesting movie in its concept. It is done with a minimal set. It seems to be little stage sets put into a large stage. All the houses are drawn in like architecture plans, the street names are written on the ground and things like plants are written in as well. It is part landscape and building planning, mixed with real things like desks and beds. It was really interesting to watch. It is also three hours long, so it is going to take me some time. I wonder how many other movies are done like this?

Holly Update:

So one of the kitties staples had sort of popped out. It didn't look bad, I just wanted to get it checked out to see if maybe she only needed one. Turns out she didn't need either! The lovely nurse pulled the first one out with ease but the second took a lot of restraining and holding Holly like a baby, but it did come out. The staples were crusty with scab residue but the scar looks wonderful. Just another day with the cone! Hurrah!

She is very feisty tonight. She is bounding every which way and playing with all of Ibanez's toys. We caught her using Ibanez's litter box.

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