

Thursday, August 28, 2008

guffaws and goons

Cecine and I went to see Pineapple Express. It was cookie cutter Apatow. Nothing really broke the mold except for the fact that it had more action. And the action was really good. The fights were well choreographed and seemed real and not that some slob suddenly got karate skills. The people around us were really into it and that was a little distracting. It was cute but forgettable.

Before we stopped by Art Media to view their wares. I am loaning Cece my cloth portfolio so that she doesn't have to buy the big kit. She doesn't have her ID yet so she didn't get anything. I bought some Iridescent Medium for watercolors (going to make everything all shiny now) and a new block of paper because I am almost out.

I took Cecine on the max for the first time. Nothing really eventful happened. It was the Max.

My dreams have been troublesome of lately. In a half awake state I was clawing at my bed looking for some action figures and yanked the plug from the socket for my clock, effectively turning it off. Well, I didn't need to wake up early today. I started The Wire but the disc is screwy. Errg.

Rode into PNCA to pick up the DVD's I loaned to Matt a few weeks ago. The Freshman orientation was in full swing. Lots of fresh faces that look really similar to the ones from last year. I talked to Gordon about what TBA events he suggests and which one (Paintallica) he was in.

I had to return Holly's collar to Chelsey so I stopped by her place for a visit. I took the collar off because it scared Ibanez and forgot to put it in her bag of things. She is much larger now. She did run up and charge my face when I was sitting. I also received a very snazzy quilt in thank you for my labors. I didn't stay long but her place really is coming together.

Trader Joe's was the destination of choice after. I crossed some lanes of traffic when we were all stopped and a car honked at me. He wasn't close to me, I didn't cut him off. He was about fifteen feet behind me and just decided to honk at me because I made him consider slowing down at a red light. He shouted something that I didn't catch. Oh well. I was starving so I treated myself to some Gnocchi with Gorgonzola. It was frozen and it seemed easy enough to prepare without a microwave. I found it very delicious and filling. The little gooey bits of Gnocchi were wonderful. Mmm, I will consider buying it again for future preparations. Bought some bread and mini tacos. A nice little trip. No one honked at me on the way back.

I cuddled the snakey Ganesh and watched Pushing Daisies.

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