

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

that's the ticket

I had a really bad dream last night. Even in the end, I couldn't see what was after me.

My legs hurt something terrible so I didn't run as much as I normally can. Tomorrow I will push myself. But today, ehh not so much.

Martin French was holding a little open drawing session that is normally reserved just for the Illustration majors. Just a few hours with a model. It was fun.

Before it began I sat with Andy and Matt for a bit. Andy informed me that the Dark Knight midnight showing at the Metro was NOT sold out. We talked a little about Europe and summer and all that. They are helping out with the pre-college program that I did a few years back.

For the drawing session we had a model I never had before. Or it was the model I had before and she just changed her hair, I couldn't tell. Either way she was pretty good. I did quick watercolor sketches as she warmed up and when she put on the costume I did colorful depictions of her. I couldn't be bothered to find the right skin tone so I had fun with whatever was on my palette(I just used colors that I normally don't). There were a couple blue for black and orange for everything else drawings, and a couple muddy icky yellow green things that didn't look so great. My last one was simple but I was impressed with myself. I still got it! Now I just need to scan them so I can show people...

Daniel and BT sat on either side of me. Karen and Robin sat together. Charlie was on the other side of the room. There were two ladies I didn't know. Daniel and I talked the talk about comics, Wonderfalls, artists, our upcoming Science F(r)iction class, and about summer. I ooooeh and aahhed a little over BT's lovely viscous red speedball ink. It applied so...thick. Must get me some of that. It went from 1 to 5, it was a nice little session. There will be more.

After I rode so hard to the Metro and got my ticket to see Dark Knight at midnight. I got it! Yeaaah! Andy, Matt, Craig, Craig's girlfriend, Daniel, Daniel's girlfriend, and either Daniel's friend or Daniel's girlfriend's friend are all going to the same showing that night (hopefully in the same theatre at the Metro). It is two separate groups. Hopefully I'll meet up with one of the groups but if not, well I am just one wee girl. I can sit anywhere and enjoy the show.

I ran into Lindsay at Safeway. We watched some Flight of the Concords when we got home and gossipy gossiped about our day.

Daniel does a drawing a day. I should do that. He was impressed that I did a writing blog everyday. It isn't that hard. Not if you don't care about the quality of writing.

Dear sweet Karen sent me this link to an artist who does photos based after children's drawings. It is pretty cool: http://www.yeondoojung.com/artworks_view_wonderland.php?no=88

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