

Friday, May 23, 2008

oh joy?

Did the usual lazing about. Then I looked around my room, made a list of things to pack, and things that needed doing before then and set about doing that.

Made my last comic run for a while. The new Exterminators is out! Yay! No Tony Moore but Darick Robertson instead. That rocks. New issue of The Boys and Black Summer. I'll be bringing a pile of stuff home to catch up on. Yay.

It was raining when I left the shop. Not so bad though. Suffered up the hill on Jefferson. Went to Safeway for detergent. I was in the express lane behind some very slow girls who were all confused about where the sticker was on their cake. They clearly had 16 items when there was a 15 item limit. The lady behind me had exactly 15. She knew the rules.

Put my stuff away and did two loads of laundry. Two, count em two! That is a lot of clean stuff.

I started reorganizing and sorting through the clothes in my closet. I'm starting a Goodwill pile. I don't have any solid rules of what goes and stays. I think I will do another go-through once Summer is over because things like shorts and tanks haven't been worn much since I got here but that's no reason to chuck them now. Just silly that I brought them in the Fall.

Karen stopped by for a quick hello and chat.

Then Jim came over for another dinner and date (of sorts). I made a nice little cheese steak dinner and then we went to see the new Indiana Jones movie. I didn't have any expectations so I wasn't really disappointed. All the movies you can't take too seriously and this one was pretty much the least serious of them all. Still a little fun and goofy. Had the old charm and moderate CG use. Worth a rent, I'd say even though it is getting pretty horrid reviews all around (Matt I think has disowned me because I said it wasn't shabby).

Then we went back to my place and I didn't have time to blog.

Jim and I sat about till around 2:30; eating poptarts and talking comics, movies, and all that. He left for work, Lindsay went to the bank, and I wasted hours and hours.

I am so hooked on The Mighty Boosh. It is really, really bizarre. I am almost, for sure all caught up with QI. Thanks to Jim, I have a good list of shows I haven't seen before (Dark Place is next I think).

Finished reorganizing my closet. Looks really nice now. Will tidy the rest of my room tomorrow. And pack. Last time I was in a rush and left things all crazy like. I don't want that this time. All my shirts are in nice piles. My pants are neatly folded. My hoodies are in their drawer. My dirty cups are in the washer. Yeah, it is good.

I'll be in Seabeck again soon. Then maybe all over the world. Huzzah.

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