

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Had my first day as a Sophomore. First day after turning 20. And Heath Ledger is dead. I can't believe he is dead...it doesn't seem that long ago I was watching him for the first time in 10 Things I Hate About You. Blimey.

I woke up at 5am and for whatever reason I thought it was 5pm and I got out bed ready to start my day. Then I figured out what was up and promptly went back to bed.

Regular morning. Made myself a peanut butter sandwich and rode my bike to school. CRAZY COLD. Saw some people I knew and some people that looked lost.

Modou, my drawing teacher, had some flight delays so he wasn't there to instruct us the first day. A sub of sorts handed out an assignment and then at 8:15 we were off. I bought some supplies at Office Max and hung with Lindsay and Karen for a bit before eventually riding home again. Kicked up my feet and watch Late Night with Conan O'Brien online. I was browsing a forum when a thread popped up announcing the death of Heath Ledger. Just...how?

Ate some more gyoza for lunch and headed off a little before 3:00 for my painting technique class. The class was full up with some familiar and new faces. Karen is in my class, as is Jason, a Junior who transferred from CCAC. The teacher switched from Cleaveland to Annie something. She seems nice, even if she doesn't enunciate. It seems to be a fast paced course so that is good. It lasted twice as long as the drawing class and afterwards I picked up some things from the library and headed back to Goose Hollow again.

About six miles I rode today, and it will probably be a regular Tuesday/Thursday distance amount.

I worked a little on my assignment for Experiments in Drawing but I am really tired so I think I am going to curl up with a book and go to sleep early tonight. Watched a little Kill Bill vol. 2 earlier on. Yeah, I like the first better but this does have some fun moments.

I wore longjohns under my jeans, my new waffle knit shirt under a tee shirt under a hoodie under a peacoat. And even with my awesome mobius scarf, I was still cold. BLIMEY!!

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