

Saturday, November 10, 2007

girl posse

Wow, 2am. Movie night went long and into extra innings.

Signed up for my testing-out-of-math exam. I hope all goes well with it. At least I am trying. Uhg. I really do NOT want to take math. Again. Bleeh.

I finished up all my cleaning with an hour to spare. I didn't sweep the main area because a guy was applying gesso to some massive canvases. It would have been rude to stir up dust onto his work. I killed my time chatting up Andy, Rebeca(not sure of the correct spelling) and Gavin. Work still puts me out of my mind with boredom. I kind of want to start looking for a job that will go somewhere but any job I take to earn actual money; those jobs would kill my weekend.

At home I composed a printable list of my lendable comics (mainly for Craig, Andy and Jon's borrowing purposes).

Made it back to school in record biking time. Missed the first of the animated shorts at art film night but it was something I had seen before. Some of the shorts were brilliantly constructed. Some were cheesy. There was a really great one about a chicken having an affair with a fish and the rooster found out. Most of it was conveyed with just the facial expressions. After the shorts were done most of the people cleared out leaving Me, Jack and Gavin to watch Primer.

Yeah. Watching Primer again I really still don't get it. I don't think I enjoy it enough to watch it more to try and figure it out.

Grabbed some more Pizza and bid farewell to Jack and Gavin and rode home through the night rain. I forgot to put the bag over my seat when I returned to PNCA for Art Film Night and my seat was soaked with water. My bum was sooo cold and damp when I got back.

Relaxed a little and Mel invited me over for movie night at her place. So I hung out and chatted with Mel, Cidney, Darya and Mollie. Some of them played chess. Then we went to Safeway. Then we watched Barack Obama on Jay Leno. Darya made delicious pasta for us(she rocks). Then we got around to watching a movie; Mallrats! The lines were not largely convincing but it still was cute. I knew I was getting tired as the movie progressed but I had no idea how late it really was.

Dream time now!

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