

Friday, October 12, 2007


Got my Internet back up. Easy peasy, reset all the IP's myself with no need to call Nathan. I'll try not to make a habit of blogging the day after.

Worked more on musical textures for our photos in class. I think I am starting to get it, rather out there for me but that is good. It is bending my concepts about things and stuff. Gordon really knows what he is talking about, art wise. He is very smart just a little aloof but I think that is great. He told us about how Allan McCollum is going to be in town and giving a lecture so I'm going to try and check that out.

People are getting sick all over the place. Lindsay has lost her voice, Matt is sick, Sean was sick. I'm drinking my vitamins so I don't too get sick because I know if I get sick I will still go to school. I don't like missing out on things.

Mel's friend Melissa is in town. Mel is short for Melissa. Melissa and Melissa, how cute is that? Arvie let her sit in with our drawing class and she did some really nice art.

My contour drawing, while the head was big I still liked the detail in the folds. My lady ended up being a little small on the page as I was trying to get the whole composition around her in as well (he set up some wooden slats with drapery). She is small but fairly well proportioned I think. I think I'll bring my tube with me today and bring some of my work home.

I had a dream about this certain kind of granola bars with chewey chewey pieces of fruit and tasty tasy pieces of chocolate. My dreams now have commericals in them, dangit! So anyway, I saw it as a sign and went to get said granola bars from Trader Joe's during lunch. I ran into Matt and lunch and we rode up together. The granola bars were delicious. Everything I wanted them to be.

Sean was making steak and had Black Sheep from blockbuster. The steak was tasty and the movie was fantastic. The creature effects were marvelous, Weta really knows their stuff. It also wasn't really a stereotypical creature feature and behaved totally separate from any idea I thought it might have. Wonderful movie. Oh and Weresheep! Those were cool. I think it and Severance would make a good double feature.

No advertisements in my dreams tonight. Whew!

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