

Friday, October 21, 2011

and then I did this and then I did that and then I did nothing

For a second I thought it was Friday and that I hadn't done anything today. Then I remembered that it was Thursday and that I slept way in and had a small breakfast and went to class and learned about perspective in film and more shot composition stuff and I ate some candy and then I got some gas and then I went home and didn't eat for a bit and then I ate some salad and watched some stuff, because that is what I do, and I worked on how I might structure a resume in comic form and I ate some chicken and rice and watched some Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and I thought about what needs to be done this weekend and I snacked on cookies.

Now I think I'll get to bed, as I've had too bad of sleeping habits lately.

Todays Portrait Is: Antonia Thomas.

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