

Saturday, November 5, 2011

wait, which one is Alleline and which one is Haydon?

Ohh I was blogging but then I got distracted.

Rolled out of bed at the last possible moment. Showered. Grabbed some biscuits and a bottle of this sobe stuff and headed off to school for a Video Club Meeting. There was pizza at the meeting! Hurray! We moved to the multicultural room and I took notes on the white board as we brainstormed for the various projects and filming and things. It was a productive two hours. I wrote lots of notes and everyone provided input and stuff. I like being in clubs. Extra activities and being helpful are good.

Went home. Because that is how I roll. I keep drifting in and out of interest in Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy. It isn't the easiest audiobook to listen to, I'll tell you what.

Had a mixed appetite once I got home. Watched Downton Abbey with mom. I feel really funky, so I think I'll go to bed now. Oh, would you look at that, it is past my bed time anyway.

Todays Portrait Is: Tom Baker.

Friday, November 4, 2011

obscuratism is a great word

Ha, all that stuff about getting up early? Total bullpucky.

Got up. Had my oatmeal and tea. Went to class. In class we had major computer issues so we could only watch the DVD section of things, so we didn't get very far. I don't see why we couldn't watch all the DVDs and review while the computer was getting fixed (normally we watch and then he suggests notes for us to take). The DVDs are pretty neat scene set up breakdowns.

So I chatted with the people in my seating group and killed time and ate sweets. I REALLY need to cut down on my sweet intake, but that is easier said than done.

Went home. Cuddled dog. Watched stuff. Ate pizza. Hot tubbed. Watched more stuff. Ate a cupcake. I very much need some exercise. Holly got groomed today and she is so soft. Gave her lots of cuddles.

Tomorrow is a video club meeting, and I will probably stay on and finish my Illustrator stuff (just so I can be super on the ball with it all).

Todays Portrait Is: Jon Pertwee.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Dang it is late. Need to blog earlier in the night. Before I do a run of portraits. My blogs are full of so much repeated stuff. Not a lot has changed, but at least I get out of the house and socialize.

Illustrator class went into color groups and stuff. We had work time and I worked. Flash was review of buttons. I managed to get the button project I was working on finished. Our final assignment was assigned (it isn't so much an assignment as a series of things we need to example). Now I need to think up a good idea and do it. Maybe a sort of Where's Waldo esque thing? With lots of clicking and stuff. Hmmm.

After that I went to Video Club and learned about lighting. The camera went dead, which sucked, so we just moved the lights around.

It was raining, and that isn't fun to drive in.

Pa made dinner. Mmm potatoes and beans and salmon. A crowd pleaser. We three watched Green Hornet. I enjoyed it more in theaters, still it was fun.

Watched Ringer, Sons of Anarchy, the horrible American Horror Story (bad yet I can't stop watching)...got three portraits done. Go me!

Todays Portrait Is: Patrick Troughton.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

sweet sweet candaay

Used all my hours to sleep in. I should make more of an effort to not do that on my easier mornings.

Had oatmeal and tea. Mmm.

In class we went over right, parallel, and other angle set ups, as well as how to shoot scenes and stuff. I took the notes. Lots of notes. Chatted with Marcus and Rufus. Ate a ding dong and my regular meat jerky stick thing (protein, it makes up for all the candy I eat). Lots of notes were taken.

Afterwards I went to the computer lab and finished up my typeface! It is completed! YAAAY! Always room for revision suggestions, but it is indeed finished.

Swung by mom's office and said hello and tried to embarrass her in front of her coworkers. Instead they complimented how much I looked like mom. I gave ma my remaining ding dong, but later wished I hadn't.

Back at home, I put my feet up and snacked. Dad came home with candy from the Grandparents. Mmm! Sweet sweet candy. At the time of this writing, I haven't eaten it all. So that is an improvement.

Dinner was delicious pasta and home made delicious sauce. Ma really knocked it out of the park. So very good.

Glee was okay. Not so exciting. We couldn't be bothered to watch the unfunny New Girl, but you bet your butt we stayed up for Raising Hope! Always fun, always delightful.

I watched another episode of The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Now, to bed with me!

Todays Portrait Is: William Hartnell.

Monday, October 31, 2011

halloween, what halloween?

Blogging now, because I feel like it. Also I know I'll be up late working on portraits, and I'd rather go to sleep once I'm finished.

Rolled out of bed at 8:20. Bleh.

Illustrator was lecture on mesh and gradients and stuff. We got a good two solid hours to work on the assignment, and I got it mostly finished. Hurray! I'm so on top of things with this class.

In Flash we reviewed how to make buttons and stuff, then we got 45 minutes of time to experiment. I can't quite figure out how to make it link from one thing to another. I'll look up some tutorials. Still, a good class. Wish there were more like this and less like others.

Went home. Relaxed. Ate some candy. Ate more candy. Ate a salad. It is only 8pm but it feels much later.

Todays Portrait Is: Robert Webb.



It was very much for the best that we didn't go to the beach last night, because it was rainy. Today was surprisingly nice. I woke up to ma and pa saying "we are ready to go" so I showered and stuffed a bag full of stuff and had a mediocre breakfast and off we went! Even though I had tea, I still napped on the way to Ocean City State Park.

We got a spot and settled in. We decided to take Holly with us on the trip, so we kept her on a leash and walked down to the beach. It was not windy and there were no fleas and it was sunny and not totally freezing. Near November and better weather that the summer. Whaaat?

Back at the motorhome, we had sandwiches and watched some Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It got dark and we suited up. We got our clam guns (home made by dad), our flashlights, our boots, our rain coats, and all this other gear to help us dig for razor clams at night. Hurrah! It was fun. An interesting trek in the stillness of night. Quite beautiful as the only illumination came from our lights and the moon was a red sliver low in the sky. We managed to dig up 20 clams using our guns. We found a couple broken ones that other people discarded. Didn't get the clam limit, but it was slow going and couldn't find that many spurts. Still, Dad is a champ at digging. Really good at chasing them through the sand.

Back at the moho, we finished the movie and ate mac and cheese. What a night!

Todays Portrait Is: Rich Fulcher.


Slept in, which was good because on a morning walk, Ma and Pa took Holly off a leash and she went and rolled in the carcass of a seal. While I slept, they washed her off. Silly smelly dog. Silly parents taking her off the leash.

Bacon, eggs over easy, and toast for breakfast! And cocoa! Yum!

We gave Holly a quick walk down at Pacific Shores or something and then headed home. Grabbed some DQ on the way. Then I took another nap. Spent so much time sleeping.

Helped empty the hot tub. Got Downton Abbey and Misfits all set up. Ate a burger. Hot tubbed. Somewhere in the day, I bit the inside of my lip something fierce. Ate a salad. Watched Bridesmaids with Ma and Pa. It was a bit awkward to watch at times, but it did have some genuine funny moments. I like the Chris O'Dowd is getting popularity on this side of the pond. He is charming.

Spent the rest of the night snacking and watching my Sunday Stories. Misfits was AWESOME. It is the show that above all others I look forward to. It is hilarious and I'll never let ma and pa watch it. Anyway, dig the new character (who has the same map pillowcases that we do) and love the set up for this season. Downton Abbey was good. Finally some good things happened, but as per usual it was more bad stuff. Boo, I just want characters to be happy! Walking Dead was okay. It is a good show it just...is sort of treading water. Dexter, gah, why did they do that to that character! I liked him. That was stupid. Boardwalk Empire will have to wait till tomorrow.

Yay. Illustrator. Boo. Flash. All though since it is a work day, then that should be good. Don't know what I'll work on but I'll come up with something, eh. Some things I care about, some things I don't.

Today's Portrait Is: David Mitchell.