

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Drawers (work in progress)

Decoupaged chest of drawers. Made from art show postcards gathered from various First Thursdays.

See also: large quick drawing did on the back of my big blue mess drawing, my lovely book shelf full of great reading(I assume, some of it I haven't gotten to yet), my turban wearing lady lamp, Apples to Apples set(best game ever), the ink box dad built for me, and a drawing of Bigfoot taking a nap under some trees.

smells like glue

The apartment smells of Modge Podge. The Internet was down so I started working on this project I have been delaying for a few months now. I using my old art show cards and decoupaging them onto this old chest of drawers that we found in the free zone. I hope to have it fully covered. I will run out of cards probably with just one side complete but that's okay. Plenty more shows to go and see. I'm liking how it is turning out. Can't wait to work on it some more.

I am still thinking about Dark Knight. It really left me in a daze. All the marketing and tragedy surrounding it, what an epic feeling.

I watched two movies today, both were very grim and wrongly funny. I enjoyed both more than I thought I did. The first was Teeth, a movie about uhm...teeth. If you know the movie I am talking about, yeah. I thought it was paced well and the lead actress was brilliant. Good casting. Some really unfortunate ends. The second movie was Man Bites Dog. A fake documentary. I loved a lot of the technical aspects of it, such as the numerous long takes in which everyone remained flawlessly in character. It was also black and white and didn't look like it was filmed in color and redone in black and white. I am a little disturbed that I enjoyed it so much.

On Monday I am going in to the school to talk to some people and return some stuff. Monday is my official school visit day. Return DVD's and check out some more for the next week. Say hello to people.

Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog finished up today. It is a three part mini series. I think it is brilliant and lovely and for everybody (not like the movies I watched as well today). It is an experiment in low budget production. I read that it was a response to the writer's strike but I can't confirm that. I think more video things need to be done of this nature (online, any time available, with notable people working). I think the videos are going to be off the web soon so if you are interested in a Superhero/Musical/Vlog/Short Series click HERE. And if they are gone by the time you get to this well...if you get me the DVD(which will surely exist soon)for Christmas I will lend it to you.

Friday, July 18, 2008


(it is 3am and I am overly excited)

Okay. I just got back from Dark Knight. Holy cow. HOLY FREAKING COW SLOWLY COOKED AND SERVED ON FINE CHINA!! I need to digest this. Oh wow. Amazing. And the final bit with Joker? Beautiful. I could not register Heath Ledger through the performance. Perfect. Dang. I need to digest this.

Slept in. Worked out really hard. 18 minutes on the first run with absolutely no pause.

When I got back from it and went on the Internet I found the TV and Film forum I visit in eruption over the WATCHMEN TRAILER. It is beautiful. It, it will be the best possible adaptation I am sure. Karen was over when I first saw it. I was shrieking like a parakeet. I could not believe it. And they showed the trailer with Dark Knight. IT IS HUGE AND BEAUTIFUL.

Karen and I went over to Chelsey's to look at her new place. She has a fabulously sized studio with a separate kitchen area. She can paint it. It has tons of storage. We helped her decide on arranging things such as beds and whatnot. It will be great. Holly is looking cute. I will be looking after her for a couple weeks.

Kristen came over and we went to look at her place, just a couple blocks away (they are in the 19th & Irving area). Hers has an amazing amount of space. Walk through closet, kitchen and breakfast nook separate from the main room. Really cool. The studio I looked at was actually tiny and ridiculous. These girls have luck.

We went to Trader Joe's and because we had perishables and Karen had to go to work, we parted ways. I spent the rest of the day all jittery waiting for 10:45 to roll around. Lindsay and I watched another episode of Flight of the Concords. TRIED to watch some more Dr. Horrible but it didn't flow right. THEN IT WAS TIME TO GOOOOO!!!

Got clean pants on, brushed my hair, grabbed my ticket, and I was out of there!

Andy, this lovely lady whose name I am kicking myself for forgetting, Matt, and Craig had pretty good spots in line. Not really crowded (I suspect most of the main lines were at Pioneer Place) but still worth showing up early for. There was talk of the Watchmen trailer(Andy saved his Watchmen Trailer virginity for the big screen). But ohhh we just could not WAIT. One of the new MFA's, Sidney, was there as well. She is really nice. We got seats near the back. Behind us were some teens and one kid who looked 10. We were sort of going "crap" but once the show started they behaved.

Daniel, his girl, and their friend arrived a little late and had to be in the second row. I went up and talked to them. They said someone put a pig's head in the studio fridge. Glad I didn't have to clean that up. Blimey.

There was a brief little contest or whatever for the people. Nothing big.

The audience was perfect. Dead quiet when it was serious, applause when necessary, cheers, gasps, oh everything. It was BRILLIANT. Now I am going to sleep.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

what's in a word

So I've been using the word "evisceral" for a while now. I was just questioned as to it being an actual word. I thought so but when I looked it up it was nowhere to be found. I guess I just combined eviscerate and visceral together to form a new word.

I use it to mean rough, violent, moody, dark, passionate...etc.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

that's the ticket

I had a really bad dream last night. Even in the end, I couldn't see what was after me.

My legs hurt something terrible so I didn't run as much as I normally can. Tomorrow I will push myself. But today, ehh not so much.

Martin French was holding a little open drawing session that is normally reserved just for the Illustration majors. Just a few hours with a model. It was fun.

Before it began I sat with Andy and Matt for a bit. Andy informed me that the Dark Knight midnight showing at the Metro was NOT sold out. We talked a little about Europe and summer and all that. They are helping out with the pre-college program that I did a few years back.

For the drawing session we had a model I never had before. Or it was the model I had before and she just changed her hair, I couldn't tell. Either way she was pretty good. I did quick watercolor sketches as she warmed up and when she put on the costume I did colorful depictions of her. I couldn't be bothered to find the right skin tone so I had fun with whatever was on my palette(I just used colors that I normally don't). There were a couple blue for black and orange for everything else drawings, and a couple muddy icky yellow green things that didn't look so great. My last one was simple but I was impressed with myself. I still got it! Now I just need to scan them so I can show people...

Daniel and BT sat on either side of me. Karen and Robin sat together. Charlie was on the other side of the room. There were two ladies I didn't know. Daniel and I talked the talk about comics, Wonderfalls, artists, our upcoming Science F(r)iction class, and about summer. I ooooeh and aahhed a little over BT's lovely viscous red speedball ink. It applied so...thick. Must get me some of that. It went from 1 to 5, it was a nice little session. There will be more.

After I rode so hard to the Metro and got my ticket to see Dark Knight at midnight. I got it! Yeaaah! Andy, Matt, Craig, Craig's girlfriend, Daniel, Daniel's girlfriend, and either Daniel's friend or Daniel's girlfriend's friend are all going to the same showing that night (hopefully in the same theatre at the Metro). It is two separate groups. Hopefully I'll meet up with one of the groups but if not, well I am just one wee girl. I can sit anywhere and enjoy the show.

I ran into Lindsay at Safeway. We watched some Flight of the Concords when we got home and gossipy gossiped about our day.

Daniel does a drawing a day. I should do that. He was impressed that I did a writing blog everyday. It isn't that hard. Not if you don't care about the quality of writing.

Dear sweet Karen sent me this link to an artist who does photos based after children's drawings. It is pretty cool: http://www.yeondoojung.com/artworks_view_wonderland.php?no=88

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

no snark zone

Mom sent me an awesome list of how to begin a search for a job(though she started it with a snarky comment, tsk tsk mother). I need to start from scratch with my resume. I am using some old template from my high school days and the formatting is all screwed up. Hard to add new bullets and sections and stuff. Yeah, just need to start over, but the one I have is pretty detailed and has good info of the dates that I have worked. I just need to add in my custodian job and add the new Bossman's information. Yeah yeah, I am getting on track! Also need to look up where to get my food handler's permit...and Google says the walk-in tests are in the South East. I shall call them and walk-in and get certified to handle food. Boo-yah.

My legs are really sore from this mornings run. Maybe I am a little dehydrated but I don't think so.

Worked on some drawings in my sketchbook. Character designs and stuff. Working on it...working on it.

So any more job advice? Anybody want to hand me a job?


Oops, almost went to bed without posting. Silly me.

Lindsay stopped by in the morning and cleaned up the kitty puke.

Slept in. Ate breakfast. Made a long music mix for working out. Just a long list of different types of music in 15 minute chunks. Needs a little work though as I am finding that some songs work best during different parts of my jog. Did both runs with barely any pause. My endurance seems to be shaping up. Go me!

Karen and I did a brief excursion to the Pearl district. We hopped on the streetcar. I returned some books and DVD's and checked out some new ones. When leaving, we ran into Matt and Andy and I said some quick hellos. Outside the school was Modou and we exchanged slightly longer hellos. By golly, I am starting to become recognizable around these parts!

We went to Hot Lips for lunch. I just had some bread sticks and strawberry soda. We flipped through the Illustration Now books I checked out. Way cool work in there. The perfect type of art book that I like; more pictures than words.

There was a kitchen shop we stopped in for Karen's quest to find something like a cake stand without the stand part. It was more high fashion cookery than variety. Seriously, $30 for SALT? What? And there was about 30 different kinds of salt. What recipe requires so much salt that you can taste the price difference? Maybe Auntie Brynne can explain it to me, she is all gourmet and awesome like that (and honestly I didn't look at the price but I wager it was more than a Jackson). We hopped on the max outside of Powell's and it sailed right by the correct kitchen store she was looking for. Oopsie.

I watched Batman Begins and did my laundry. In the middle of it all the fire alarm went off and I shoved Ibanez into his carrier and we evacuated. It didn't last that long and I got to see hot firefighters. Still, so many false alarms.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

he wasn't an albino though

Just finished watching Noi(or Noi Alibnoi, whichever title). I don't really like stories about ennui within a teenage lead. They all seem the same. The Icelandic setting was different and there were some cool characters but overall I was depressed and bored while watching it. And the film used far too much blue and green with very little red to balance it out. Too much on the pretty scenes, too little on the story. Good casting.

Did my workout without stopping to take a break during my first 15 minute run or during my last 10 minute run. I am doing great. Getting better. Now I just need better music mixes.

Ibanez is lonely. We sat on the porch and read. Well I looked at art books. Brushing up on my Dada and Gonzo.

I painted a little. Just some loose gouache stuff on my big blue mess from Experiments in Drawing. Maybe a few more layers and it might be presentable again? Ha.

Very warm day. Ate a ton of Popsicles.

I started reading Hellboy (off the computer sadly, it is too long and too much for me to collect in physical form right now). Wonderful comic. It is such bad form to read it after I've seen the movies. Oh well. I am loving the artwork; the flat colors, the solid blacks, the inventive character design. I think I'm slowly getting inspired. Hard to tell.

Oh the other day a car cut me off(I saw it coming a mile away so I stopped but I still had right of way, the person just wasn't paying attention). On the back of the car there was a bumper sticker that read, "Kindness".