

Saturday, January 21, 2012

twenty fooour

The difference between today and yesterday, and today and what tomorrow will likely by, is that today I got cake and presents! A very relaxed and quiet day. Opened presents slowly through the day.

First up, before I showered, I opened the thing that seemed like a shirt. And it WAAAS! The Kate Beaton Sherlock Holmes shirt! Love it. Showered. Put it on. Opened the present that seemed like a mug. And it WAS! The Kate Beaton Glam Breakfast mug! Ohhh yeah. Things are good.

Dad's Dalek cake was awesome. I posted it on the Internet and bragged heartily about it. Took us all day to work up the nerve to cut into it.

The first book I opened was the Sterling Hundley art book. Really well designed. He is such a phenomenal artist. Then the Scott C. Amazing Everything art book. I love his work because everyone is smiling in it.

We three took a walk to the valley to take a gander at the stream. I took lots of pictures. Having a fancy camera is nice. One can take many pictures and play with settings to make the pictures look even nicer. Mmmhmm! I probably take too many photos, but I like having more instead of less when it comes to documentation.

Dinner was salad, then chicken, then steak for the steak eaters. We watched Portlandia and Red Dwarf. Then a bit later we cut into the cake. Yum! So good. I look forward to all the cake I'll be eating in this coming week.

OH! I also called summoned for jury duty...a month from now. A month to get everything in order. Once my duty is served, I'm out of here! I have a dead line. Lets doooo this thing. First up: document my art. Though right now I shall enjoy what remains of a lack luster birthday day.

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