

Monday, April 28, 2008

pretty fan-damn-tastic

I've been sitting in almost the same spot since noon.

I have two pages of my comic done and a third mostly pencilled in.

Today I watched: Ghostbusters. Stardust. Three episodes on QI. The Christmas special that started series 2 of Doctor Who. Cowboy Bebop The Movie.

I didn't do much else besides eat and shower and shove Ibanez out of my lap.

I'm pleased with how the comic is shaping up. I have some great panels thus far. Go me! This next week is going to be filled with getting up, going to some presentations, coming home, and working for hours and hours. It isn't so bad, actually I am having a lot of fun. I am feeling challenged but not over worked. It isn't a strain, I just have to keep at it.

I need to get some more food. I'm down to carbohydrates again.

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