

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

2am trill

You know, when I am just working all day on the same thing it doesn't make for that interesting of blogging.

Anywhoo, got up for Mikayla's thesis proposal. Really funky uneven sleep. Not so grand. Oh well. Her thesis went well. Really complex and heavy idea about art as social practice. I don't think I quite got it, but I trust that she knows what she is doing. The print lab is occupied during the time on Wednesday when I thought I would be using it. Dang. Yoga was cancelled so after talking to Tabby-Sue, Soh-kuhn, Leah, and Matt, I went home.

I read That Salty Air by Sievert. I got through it really quick. The art is lovely. Great water and character designs. The octopus truly did rock. So after that, I buckled down and sat my bum in front of the computer for another round of what I like to call: Trillian draws a comic that gets progressively weirder and harder to draw. If I do two a day, I will be done on Friday. I have other finals to consider so I am not quite assigning a "two-a-day" goal. One plus is more reasonable. Yesterday I got two one and one pencilled, today I have just two done. I had to include more objects and thus more variations of color. Really tricky. Thankfully comics are not intended to be read from a distance. Huzzah! The text is near illegible unfortunately. I need to work on that. I am not a text person. I wouldn't include it if I could think of a way not to. I am amazed at the variation that is coming up in the panels.

Today I watched: about four-six episodes of QI. Night Watch (Nochnoi Dozor). Shaun of the Dead. The Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2007.

Lindsay and I got pizza for dinner. Out fridge is looking really sparse these days. I really must go shopping.

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