

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Lindsay is strong, awesome, and I ♥ Her

Lindsay and I were outside Goose Hollow hooping with her new LED hoop. Karen was watching from above and suddenly we decided to just walk to the park and hoop there. And by we I mean just Lindsay and myself, Karen was being a poo and didn't join us (something about having homework to do). So me in my pajamas and Lindsay with her hoop, we went down to the park on Park Street (in front of the Portland Art Museum) and hooped to our hearts content! It was a great deal of fun. Just chuckling and hooping back and forth. Some homeless guys showed up, they were nice just a little drunk. They hooped a little but failed. One also failed when he asked me for a kiss and I stepped back quickly and said, "no". Lindsay stepped in and was all, "Can't you see my shirt says Detroit? And I'll shiv you and leave you for dead in the park." She was very calm about saying that, I can tell she has practiced. So we left that area and hooped elsewhere. A cute boy showed interest in the both of us (and he was neither drunk or homeless). Both of us were pretty exhausted and sore so we headed back. We arrived home at the amazing time of 10:22pm. We hooped long time!

So today was tough to get up. I wasn't feel too hot and my mind was all jumbled about the time on my clock. I arrived at school on time and ready to work. Then we spent an hour talking about art, what were are as artists, how we feel about the Portland scene, have we ever been to Europe, how to be elitist without being pretentious, and so on. The conversation was dominated by mostly five or six people and Lindsay brought up the fact about how we are all dead quiet in the class. It was an interesting conversation, Modou is full of praise for us all due to the fact that we are here. I'm one of the few that has consistently been there everyday. I didn't feel like it today but I was there.

After break was a quick/not so quick critique of our projects thus far. Modou's class (and Modou himself) ends up being a Russian Roulette critique. He isn't the best at being objective about work and has clear favorites and clear what he wants to see and what he doesn't want to see standards. Well, they actually are not that clear. That is what makes it so nerve wracking. I didn't have a critique today but Lindsay did. She was up last and up until her all the pieces were mostly favorable (there was one piece that was a collaboration that he wasn't OK with). Her collage and mixed media skull was said to be, "unbelievable." And when asked to define it, Modou couldn't come up with a clear answer. Half the class was silent, one fourth was confused about why this piece was suddenly not right, the other fourth jumped on the fear bandwagon. I sat in confused and shocked silence. Lindsay took it amazingly well (she is very strong and awesome) but still, I think for many people it came out of nowhere. All of a sudden a piece is unbelievable, what?

Left a little stunned, went home, and enjoyed a very lovely nap. I wasn't feeling too good (a little overheated) and really needed the rest. I don't think I am getting enough. Need to allow a little more on Sunday. I'm worn so thin by Friday and it is almost Wednesday and I have so much to do before the week ends. I don't like having so much work centered around the end of the week, I like it at the start.

In painting I sat apart from my usual bandit's and focused on the model. We are painting clothed figures. The first drawing ended up with her feet cut off so I drew it again, much smaller than needed. I am happy with the result (except the models breaks ended up with her draped clothing changing constantly) but it was far too small to work with effectively. I can mix skin tones pretty well now; all it is is yellow and orange with a little red, a little blue to mute and subdue the saturation, and a little bit of green. Who knew? Annie said to do another painting, this one much larger, in the next class instead of working on this one (which I finished so I'm cool with that. I was feeling much better at the end of class and rode off into the night quite neatly.

Arriving home I had to deliver much hugs to Lindsay. Then we watched Project Runway. Santino is such a jerk, but by being that way it allowed Daniel to leave with much dignity. He was so selfless in the end and went on a high note. He is so set career wise now. Go him! (We are on Season Two, and yes we do our homework).

Then we went hooping!!

Lindsay hooping during her lunchtime performance.

LED hooping

This be me, I am so awesome.

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