

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Yesterday's sickness is today's happiness. The sun was shining, it was warm, I went for a walk, and all was grand!

Managed to get up a little early so I could start my day off right. Arrived at school on time with an idea for my sugarlift firmly in my head. Sugarlifted that sucked in about fifteen minutes and set that to dry, after that dried I applied the hardground and left it to dry. Smoothed out the other print and reapplied the softground and did a press with some dried flowers I had picked up. Etched it and printed it. Burnished the face and background. Printed it again. Burnished it again. Printed it again. Holding off on the burnishing and will do another test print. Did the rest of the edition for my etching. The hardground was still not dry so I will tend to that tomorrow. Was busy all through class (and about fifty minutes after) but still I feel behind. Lots of printing to be done over the weekend. Oh well, better to do it right than to rush it.

During lunch I walked to Whole Foods to grab something to eat(also to enjoy this radiant day). About two blocks from school I called my papa and our phone conversation took me to Whole Foods, through picking out food, through the cash register, back to PNCA, setting my stuff down in the print lab, grabbing a spot in the commons, eating my lunch and when my lunch was finally over we said our goodbyes. Diana, Lee and Chris stopped by and we chatted briefly and I shared my grapes. I skipped off to class in a supreme mood.

Yoga was really really tough this night, but I feel good.

Need a good night sleep so I can tackle tomorrow. I'm up for critique with Modou and I will be putting in some hours in the print lab.

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