

Sunday, February 17, 2008

hyper fixation

Whoo! My computer is up and running. That was a frustrating couple days. I changed some of the other numbers to zero, removed the password on this account, and made another admin account. My files had vanished but they still existed elsewhere so I just transferred them over here.

But one loss of the computer issues: I lost all the portfolio pictures I had recently taken. DAMNIT! Now I have to retake and rephotoshop them. Bleehh! Sets me back.

Slept in and when I got up I just had some cake and hot chocolate for breakfast. I have been reading Fun House, which is Alison Bechdel's memoir. I dislike it for being really overwrought with forced metaphor and implementing an overly literate vocabulary. The art is amazing but the narration makes me wince. Also the font is too big, Epileptic and Persepolis had nice small font that was perfectly legible. This is like...huge. It makes me feel like I am reading a Junior High comic when it really isn't like that.

Talked on the phone with Dad. Karen stopped by and used my computer (her internet is wonky). After she left was when I gave fixing it some real focus. And it worked!

Lindsay came home fairly early and Karen came over (again) with some stir fry. It was tasty and plentiful. Chelsey came over a little bit later and retold us her story of being at the James Turrell after party where it was located within a super posh apartment and she met lots of super posh people (like Elizabeth Leach). We hung out and watched videos from the Internet (like Lasagna Cat). Jim came over and we chatted and ate more food (I had two servings of Karen's stir fry). We decided to play some Apples to Apples because possibly there were enough people to play and then there was a knock and Kristen and Chris (Cris? Kris?) were at the door! So we played a game of Apples to Apples. Kristen won. Chelsey was a wee bit hyper. Well more than a wee bit. But yeah, fun was had. I walked Jim to the max (which didn't come for about half an hour) and when I came back only Karen was left. We talked for a bit more and then she went home.

Now I am enjoying my functioning computer. Wheee!

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