

Sunday, October 14, 2007

take the yellow to Killingsworth

Whoo! Did a lot today, was out of Goose Hollow by 11am and I just got back. Busy Trillian, tomorrow I will take it easy.

Matt had invited me to hang out and bike around yesterday and so I did just that. I met him at the PNCA studios and we rode our bikes to the yellow max stop and rode it up into North East Portland. I bought a ticket, he didn't. We rode around and visited a couple parks and took photos. I have to take a roll of things that don't look like things. Yay.

The day started gray but it really cleared up. I think I got some good shots of interesting things. Portland has lots of flat areas and some killer lengthy hills. I least I had a mountain bike for those tricky areas. Wore my helmet, of course.

After some biking around under a nice blue sky (good weather on the weekends is a blessing) we went back to his place and he, Andy and I went to a local diner for lunch. It was too much for barely decent food.

We then went back and watched Factory Girl. It was okay I guess, I wasn't really paying attention. She just had a really bad life prior and Warhol seemed to really not understand. Or something, I dunno. Hayden Christensen was horrible. After that it was time for me to return to the West, I was going to the Endless Ocean Endless Sky performance at PNCA and Matt needed to work in the studios some more. We rode our bikes to PNCA, about 15 minutes and mostly down hill. Really quick and easy commute though you couldn't do it going back.

Sean was at the performance and we sat on our cushions next to each other inside the bubble they put is into. The show really did get a good example of the endless, end of the world feel that occurs at the edge between ocean and sky but it got really repetitive so nearer to the end I didn't enjoy it as much. Still, interesting and serene.

Sean and I split ways after and Matt was still around so we went back to the East Side again and hung out.

Well we were planning to get together with Craig who was going to bring his Wii over and we were going to play that but then Craig ducked out and so then it was going to be Guitar Hero but Andy was drawing so we ended up sitting around, talking, drawing random comics about Heroes, Prison Break and cannibalism (dude, Sylar would totally eat Michael Scoffield's brain!) and we watched some season 10 Simpsons. Around midnight I bid adue to Matt and Andy and rode the Yellow into downtown.

I had bought two tickets today and thought if the yellow jacket checker person showed up I could sort of brandish it and they would ignore me. The second ticket I bought there was a checker but they didn't even make eye contact with me or Matt (who also didn't buy a ticket this time). There was no checker, just a Portland Walking Tour group. Got off on the last Yellow stop and rode my bike the last few blocks home.

Busy, fun day. Tomorrow I shoot more pictures, read some pages and draw some crows.

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