

Monday, May 21, 2012

To Redwood City and Back

Sundays are good days!

Carmen was busy with her music, Josh was busy with something...else. After tea and toast and snacks, I walked around the area a bit. Looked at the cool houses. Went up the hill, went up steps. I wish I could locate my rechargeable batteries for my camera, so that I could actually take some photos. I'm getting out and seeing things, but not taking any pictures. The fancy camera spoiled me. That one takes such nice pictures, and so easily! Ah, oh well.

I saw at 16th & Lomita and drew this pepto pink house. This cute guy on a bicycle totally checked me out. I cheered on this other guy who was huffing it up the hill on his bike. I know how that feels.

When I got back to the house, I put some color on the little drawing. I sort of like it...but it could be better. Need to draw more. Always need to draw more.

At 5ish, I drove to Redwood City. I needed to get my coats, but also Nate and I had plans to watch Game of Thrones together, because that is what we do. You gotta watch the show with people who know what is going on, and what is important. He had a burrito waiting for me. What a brother! We drank good beer, looked at the eclipse, and watched telly. Well, we watched Community and Game of Thrones and the last half of Wet Hot American Summer. Us Spencer Kids, we love our telly. Game of Thrones was awesome, as always. The next episode is set to be AWESOME. Ships and fighting and all that cool stuff.

My car is driving fine, which makes me happy.

Back in San Francisco, we watched Sherlock, because Carmen & Josh haven't seen it yet. Oh I've watched that first episode SO many times. Perfect way to end the evening...though I think I'm going to stay up and watch Mad Men. Having my own room has its downside...I don't have as early a bed time as when I shared a studio with Nate. HMmm.

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