

Monday, July 25, 2011

black out

Daaamn. Just spent an hour and a half taking apart my computer and putting it back together, only to find that it was still where it was. The screen went dark during quilting and it hasn't returned. I assumed it would be the connector (and Nathan said it was likely to be such) from the bottom to the top that was wonky and thus didn't come up with the display because of the poor connection. So I took it apart and checked where it all connected and put it back together and NOPE still no display.

Got up to a rainy day. Boo! The plans were cancelled. Ma ran errands. I read and quilted. Got a bunch more squares done. Time flies when you are quilting and listening to audio books. Time flies less swiftly when you are struggling with a blacked out computer.

Ma made me a delicious sandwich.

We watched Four Rooms but were not so enthusiastic about it. I remember liking it a whole lot more the first time around.

Tomorrow I will work on my computer more. Now I'm just going to go to bed early. Or maybe see if hooking it up to the computer monitor will work. Either way.

Need a new computer pretty soon. Have to do some major chores. But that will make a nice goal. I don't need a nice computer, just need something to watch videos and stuff on. Four and a half years is about the life expectancy of a laptop, and I replaced the hard drive about two years ago. The laptop is pretty well worn. I should back everything up once I am able get a display.

Todays Portrait Is: Kyle MacLachlan.

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