

Saturday, September 18, 2010

maybe if I listen to "I feel better" I will...

I'm going to try this "going to bed early" thing. Going to read a bit. And then tuck in. I keep staying up late and then having a hard time going to bed. No good.

I had a horrible day when it comes to productivity. I treated myself to some Lush Dream Cream body lotion. I had a left over container of this sample which gave me a discount and I noticed the discount was close to expiring. The cream is great because you need so little of it. But I think I'm preaching to the Lush Choir here.

My stomach kept coming and going. It would feel better and I would start to get a burst of energy and go do something and then it would stop feeling better. And I have a hacking cough. All that phlegm I inhaled is coming back out. UHHHGGG! I sat in my studio trying to be productive but nothing happened. I'm hoping a good rest after a day with a satisfied appetite will give me the energy to face tomorrow's now immense tasks.

Inspiration review, walk cycle for animation, and three little paintings. Erk. I'll do it. I always do it. Don't I? Yeah. I do. Because I'm Trillian. I get things done. Eventually. I just don't do well with being sick, though if you think about it I have a really good health track record these past three years.

For breakfast I fried onion, last nights rice, cheese, and two eggs together! It was so good. I had a burrito for lunch. Then some pasta for dinner. Carbs! Beans! Beef! Protein!

Also it has been furiously raining all day. Legitimate rain.

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