

Sunday, May 23, 2010

rocking the boat

Had trouble sleeping. My shoulder really hurt. Eventually, I had to assume a yoga layout. I stuck a pillow under my ankles and back, so that my chest was elevated. Started feeling better immediately.

Slept in long time. It was good. Doctor Who, toaster strudel, eggs and potatoes for breakfast. Cliffhanger Doctor Who. Next one looks good. There have been a lot of cliffhangers. Wonder where this series with Matt Smith will go.

Ma and Pa worked outside. I stayed inside.

At 4pm we went into the hot tub! Yay! Hot tub!

At 5pm we went to a Chinese restaurant. They brought out our food in a weird order. I got served first, then mom, then the appetizer, then dad's chow mein. I didn't like the noodles. The best part were the sesame balls that came at the end. All in all, the food tasted bland to me. I wouldn't go back there.

We had some time to kill between dinner and the show. The show being Guys and Dolls. There was a little driving around, but we decided to just arrive early and wait for the performance to begin. It was so cold in the theater for a while, but it warmed up.

The show was quite fun. There were some good singers. The two female leads were quite strong, and the man who played Sky was superb. The Martinelli family had three family members in the performance. I went to high school with Chante Martinelli, who wasn't in it. Kind of fun seeing these names surface time and time again.

It was another soggy day. Tomorrow we are headed to Mats Mats!

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