

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Read a bit of chapter four of Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee. I'm depressed already. Just read and relaxed. Tidied up the apartment a little bit. Watched Six Feet Under. Ate food. Drank tea. Read some more. Three day weekends are totally wasted on me.

My jade plant fell apart. I was about to toss it but some friends suggested I try sprouting it in some water or something... grow roots. So I am trying that. I was fairly devastated that it wasn't working out. So here is hoping... I want my beloved jade to live!

Phil and Katie went to hockey. They came back and we watched The Hangover. We drank wine and stayed up till, well, 2:45am chatting. Now it is time to sleep. Tomorrow is a day for more hard core reading.

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