

Monday, July 13, 2009

I still say I have dignity

Wahhoo! I drew! Worked on the informal assignment for the summer Illustration doothingy. Drew and shaded the glasses, pen, and ring portion of it. With shadows. I made the mistake of shading on the right side. When I moved left it smudged. Elementary mistake.

Anyone else notice how cool a word 'elementary' is? Elementary. Of the elements. The pure basic form of something. Anyway, I think it is neat.

Gabe and I were trying to decide who had more dignity. Me, who watched the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie or Him, who watched the recent Dragonball live action movie. I said it was me because I watched that movie when I was a kid and that show was awesome and it is cool, if cheesy. Gabe just watched a recent live action adaptation of something that ended well over a decade ago. Katie said we both had no dignity.

But yeah, I drew something. It isn't finished but I still feel pretty good about actually doing SOMETHING.

Tomorrow I am going to meet Lindsay aka Toon aka my first roommate for lunch! Yay! Haven't seen her in forever. Then Yoga time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Go go power rangers.

At least you know who the good guys were.